Ryan McCue

Hi! 👋 I’m Ryan, a web developer freezing to death living in rainy Nottingham, England. That’s my goofy face over on the right.

I’m a WordPress committer, and co-lead on the WordPress REST API. I started the project in 2012, and eventually lead to it being merged in WordPress 4.7. I’m also the lead developer on a few other projects, including Requests, a HTTP client for PHP 5.2+ with a focus on compatibility.

I’m also the Director of Engineering at Human Made. We build massive WordPress sites for clients you’ve heard of, using Altis, our WordPress-based digital experience platform (DXP).

There’s also a lot more stuff I do. Read about some of that below.

Across the Web

Follow me on Twitter (or maybe find me on Mastodon?), see what I’m listening to at Last.fm, or check out my latest work on GitHub.

If you’re interested in a talk I’ve given recently, check out Speaker Deck for the slides, or one of the recordings on WP.tv.

Latest from GitHub

Most code I work on is available on GitHub. Here's a few of my latest changes.

  • humanmade/tachyon Closed pull request #186
  • humanmade/altis-local-server Commented on pull request #710: The docs are the better place to consult; they're separate…
  • humanmade/altis-local-server PullRequestReviewEvent
  • humanmade/altis-browser-security Closed #26: HSTS headers aren't sent on REST API, login, and admin…
  • humanmade/altis-browser-security Pushed 2 commits
  • humanmade/altis-browser-security Closed pull request #27
  • humanmade/S3-Uploads Commented on #644: This has been merged, and the only supported installation method…
  • humanmade/S3-Uploads Closed #644: Deprecating manual-install.zip

Latest Articles

Featured Projects

I work on a lot of projects, so here’s a non-exhaustive list of my favourites.

  • Requests
    A HTTP client library built for usability and compatibility.
  • Falcon
    GitHub-style notifications (with reply-by-email) for your WordPress site.
  • Cavalcade
    Drop-in replacement for wp-cron. Scales horizontally for multi-server setups.
  • Gaussholder
    High-quality placeholder images using miniscule amounts of data.
  • Mercator
    Completely-rewritten domain mapping for the 21st Century.

Contact Me

Drop me an email at if you want to get in touch.

I'm terrible at replying, but I'll definitely read it. Please don't send support requests; those are better off filed as an issue on the relevant issue tracker.

Let’s Work Together

In all of my spare time, I’m the Director of Product at Human Made. Get in touch with our lovely sales team; you won’t regret it.

Did I mention we’re hiring? We’re always looking for awesome people.